Could Your Clients Benefit From an SMA?

Could Your Clients Benefit From an SMA?

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Separately managed accounts (SMAs) have been around for over 50 years. Here’s what you need to know to determine if one is a good fit for your clients.

SMAs are a growing market

Over the last 10 years, assets in retail SMAs have grown by 125%—and investment consultants expect another 50% increase over the next several years.1

SMAs are a growing market


What are the key attributes of SMAs?

Key Attributes


SMAs offer attractive benefits

Because account holders directly own individual securities, SMAs offer distinctive benefits over pooled vehicles like mutual funds.

Attractive Benefits


A note about risk 

Investing involves risks of fluctuating prices and uncertainties of rates of return and yield. Capital value of SMAs may fluctuate, particularly over short-term periods can expose the investor to potential losses should the account be liquidated during a market downturn. Consider potential liability of Income and Capital Gains Tax. Income Distributions from SMAs are not guaranteed and can vary over time. SMA costs include, but are not limited to, brokerage, management, and performance fees. SMAs may include exposure to growth assets, such as shares. These assets can provide substantial long-term capital growth, however this comes with an elevated risk of loss. Therefore, the time horizon of the investment should be carefully considered to manage this risk.

Education SMA

1 As of 12/31/23. Source: Cerulli Associates. Starting in 2017, data include SMAs and UMAs. Analyst Note: Capital market assumptions are based on JPMorgan Asset Management’s projections. it should be noted that the open programs Cerulli tracks do not include those separate account relationships outside of a program environment. This specifically relates to registered investment advisor (RIA) and trust banking relationships with separate account managers that are not held in programs. Beginning in 2017, due to changes to the representation of Merrill Lynch One and Morgan Stanley’s Unified Advisory Platform in Cerulli’s market sizing, assets previously counted as separate accounts and mutual fund advisory assets are now counted in Unified Managed Accounts (UMAs).

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