News | Voya Investment Management


Investors Increasingly Factor Climate Change Into Mortgage Market

September 29, 2019

Voya Investment Management Head of Securitized Fixed Income David Goodson was quoted by Reuters in an article looking at how investors are considering climate change risks in the mortgage market, with some concerned that the residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) market “has not yet priced in that risk,” especially in climate-vulnerable areas such as Florida and Texas.

Routing Transparency Receives A Push

September 24, 2019

Markets Media reports that the Routing Transparency Initiative (RTI) “aims to boost transparency in the routing of ‘child’ orders – trades that cleave from the initial ‘parent’ order between order and execution – by better understanding the intention, or reason behind the routing.” According to Voya Investment Management Head of Market Structure and Trading Analytics Enrico Cacciatore, “Regulatory policy is being driven by a qualitative perception of what’s going on between venues and the sell side. RTI offers a quantitative, intention-based view through the forensics of routing. Instead of regulators driving policy, industry can be the key driver.”

Central Bank Action Likely To Disappoint Markets

September 10, 2019

Voya Investment Management Chief Investment Officer of Fixed Income Matt Toms was on CNBC discussing how markets are viewing upcoming trade and interest rate decisions. Toms said that the focus this week is on foreign central banks, specifically the European Central Band, which he believes will “disappoint” investors hoping for a large round of new monetary stimulus.

Reinhard: Stocks Likely To Hold Up Through 2019, Though Bonds Could Be Overextended

September 9, 2019

Voya Investment Management Senior Portfolio Manager and Head of Asset Allocation Barbara Reinhard was on CNBC discussing how markets are likely to perform through the rest of 2019. Reinhard notes that Voya believes being long in stocks remains the best approach, as major central banks including the ECB are likely to reduce interest rates and offer accomodative monetary policy.

Low Interest Rates Compound Pension Fund Problems

September 2, 2019

Voya Investment Management Head of Multi-Asset Design Amit Sinha writes in MarketWatch that large public pension funds, which currently have over $1 trillion in unfunded liabilities, could be in for a challenging period ahead as interest rates decline, which is “going to make it harder for these and other pension plans to rely on investment returns alone to meet their obligations to retirees.”

Securitization Ramps Up As Investors Search For Yield

August 28, 2019

Voya Investment Management Head of Securitized Fixed Income Dave Goodson was quoted by Bloomberg in an article looking at the increased use of asset securitization, which has ramped up in recent months as lower borrowing costs incentivize investment-grade companies to “mortgage virtually all their assets.”

Investors Should Ride Out Volatility

August 26, 2019

Voya Investment Management CIO Paul Zemsky was on CNBC discussing the recent uptick in market volatility, which could be here to stay. Zemsky believes that investors who have made long-term investment decisions should ride out the volatility, saying, “fundamentals are good, earnings are going to grow, consumers are in great shape, there’s a lot of good things out there in the U.S. economy. Stick with your financial plan and don’t try to trade on day-to-day tweets – you’ll get chopped up.”

Federal Reserve Expected To Cut Rates Three More Times

August 24, 2019

Voya Investment Management CIO of Fixed Income Matt Toms spoke with Bloomberg about interest rate expectations and how geopolitics is impacting decision making at the Federal Reserve. Toms said he believes the Fed will cut interest rates three more times, bringing the rate down to 1.5%.

Bond Market Down On Fed, Trade Uncertainty

August 23, 2019

Voya Investment Management CIO of Fixed Income Matt Toms was on CNBC discussing the bond market, with long-term yields falling substantially in the last week on the back of a weaker global growth outlook.
