News | Voya Investment Management


Corporate Debt Due By 2024 Rises Past $5 Trillion

August 15, 2019

International Financing Review reported a new S&P Global Ratings study has found that the amount of U.S. corporate debt that matures by 2024 now totals $5.2 trillion, though “lower interest rates should make refinancing the debt pile manageable despite an expected slump in economic conditions.”

Toms: Markets Seeing A Flight To Quality, Not Signs Of Recession

August 13, 2019

Voya Investment Management Chief Investment Officer Matt Toms was on CNBC’s Squawk Box discussing recent volatility and where markets are headed. Toms said that Voya believes “U.S. markets are not forecasting a recession. We think that we’re seeing a flight to quality into the dollar and into the U.S. bond market, which still has higher yields than foreign country alternatives.”

Treasury Yields Plunge As Global Market Selloff Intensifies

August 5, 2019

CNN Business reports the yield on benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds fell to 1.75 percent on Monday, the lowest level since October 2016, as investors sought out safe havens. Equity markets were hammered on concerns about the global economy as the U.S./China trade war intensifies and China’s currency fell.

Toms: Markets Overreacting To Trade Concerns

August 2, 2019

Voya Investment Management Chief Investment Officer of Fixed Income Matt Toms was on CNBC discussing equity markets and how they’ve responded to recent interest rate and tariff news. 

Markets Respond To Fed Cut

August 1, 2019

CNBC reports global markets have begun responding to the Federal Reserve’s first interest rate cut since 2008, with U.S. indices down one percent following the news. Voya Investment Management Chief Investment Officer of Fixed Income Matt Toms believes the moves may have been an overreaction, saying, “We would look to the Fed to come out and talk more about the lack of inflation. That should help weaken the dollar, steepen the yield curve.”

Hurtsellers: Markets Are In Mid-Cycle Slowdown

July 24, 2019

Voya Investment Management CEO Christine Hurtsellers was on Bloomberg discussing U.S. equity and bond markets. Hurtsellers notes that clients “have the need to stay invested” but fear that “equities look overvalued, fixed income has BBBs getting downgraded, so we have a very natural pivot asking ‘what do we do?’” Hurtsellers believes equity markets have gotten ahead of fixed income, which helps explain “the dichotomy between what markets are telling us.”

Voya: Plan Sponsors Less Optimistic About Retirement Readiness Than Advisers

July 23, 2019

A new survey from Voya Investment Management has found that “sponsors are far less sanguine than advisers about participants’ retirement readiness,” PlanAdviser reports. Additionally, sponsors “do not always recognize the services that advisers provide, potentially leading to confusion about what benefits they receive from the fees they pay,” Voya found, meaning that advisers should “do a better job of communicating their value proposition.”

Goodson: Fixed Income Investors Should Consider Securitized Credit Options

July 22, 2019

Voya Investment Management Head of Securitized Credit Dave Goodson recently spoke with Pensions & Investments about how securitized credit can help investors enhance their fixed-income portfolio, as “an evolving macro environment coupled with positive market fundamentals make securitized credit investments an attractive option.” 

Interest Rate Cuts May Disappoint After Strong Jobs Data Release

July 5, 2019

Voya Investment Management Asset Allocation Strategist Timothy Kearney was on CNBC offering insights to June payroll numbers, which could impact the Federal Reserve interest rate decision later this month. Kearney said he was not anticipating a 50 basis point cut, as “the market was well ahead of itself.” 

Retirees Considering Increasing Risk Profile

July 2, 2019

Voya Investment Management Head of Asset Allocation Barbara Reinhard spoke with U.S. News & World Report about retirees increasing the amount of risk in their portfolio, as they seek to “maintain purchasing power for 30-plus years while not taking so much risk” that they leave themselves exposed. According to Reinhard, “The riskiest day in your entire financial life is the day you retire. The day you retire you need to have the single longest longevity on your assets to be able to sustain you.”
